Ernie Ball 2726 Not Even Slinky Cobalt

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Next-gen Guitar Strings

Ernie Ball Cobalt guitar strings are made of a new alloy formulation that gives you higher output, better sound, and longer life. Cobalt strings’ special iron/cobalt blend attracts the magnets in your pickups better than any other alloy. When you string up with Ernie Ball Cobalts, you’ll immediately notice the incredible comfort these strings offer – silky and pliable under your fretting fingers; your pick will seem to glide over the strings, letting you execute fast passages effortlessly. And when you plug in, you’ll get increased power, beefy yet defined lows, improved midrange focus, harmonics, and sustain, and crisp highs. Try a set of Ernie Ball Cobalt strings – you’re gonna love ’em!

Ernie Ball Cobalt Guitar Strings at a Glance:

  • Beta tested by the creme de la creme
  • Cobalt formula gives you higher output and better sound
  • Cobalts last longer

Beta tested by the creme de la creme

In the development of their Cobalt strings, Ernie Ball tapped select members of their star-studded artist roster – including Steve Morse, John Petrucci, Randy Jackson, Tony Levin, and Slash – to be beta testers for the new formulation. John Petrucci reported that the Cobalts sound “amazing,” with “increased power, incredible clarity, and incredible sonic balance.” He noted that the Cobalts seem “softer” under your fretting fingers (the term he used was “buttery”). Slash noted that – before being plugged in – the Cobalts “have an entirely different feel than normal strings.” He goes on to characterize this sensation as “bouncy and pliable,” and “a lot of fun for bending.” When amplified, Slash commented that the Cobalts were just as bright as titanium strings, but more “guttural,” with more “growl to them.”

Cobalt formula gives you higher output and better sound

A half century ago, Ernie Ball practically invented “rock” guitar strings. And now, with Cobalt, they’ve re-invented them. After exhaustive testing of over 350 alloy combinations, the company ended up with an optimal formula that – as compared with conventional strings – gives you higher output, beefier lows with increased definition, improved midrange focus, shimmering harmonics and more robust sustain. You get a brighter sound without inducing harshness by turning up the treble on your amp.

Cobalts last longer

Ernie Ball Cobalt guitar strings last longer, retaining their brightness long after other strings have given up the ghost. Steve Morse reported having a set on one of his guitars “for several weeks,” and with daily use – “sweaty hands” and all – the Cobalts “still sound bright… They just don’t have that dead sound,” he says. So, with higher output, better sound, and the monetary benefits of not having to change strings so often, Cobalts have it all over traditional alloy formulations. Check out a set of Ernie Ball Cobalt strings – you’ll love ’em!

  • Punchier, higher output strings
  • Beefier lows, with increased definition and growl
  • Increased midrange focus, harmonics, and sustain
  • Longer-lasting than conventional strings
  • .012, .016, .024, .032, .044, .056
  • Made in USA
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